Should you bring in a consultancy?

Should you bring in a consultancy?

Should You Bring In A Consultancy To Help Develop Your Start-up Business?

You’ve decided you probably need help, perhaps you’ve even been struggling so much with it that you’re ready to drop the whole thing. Now is maybe the time to ask yourself: should you hire a consultant? If you decide to hire a professional consultancy what skills and qualifications should you look for? What services should they provide? Let’s explore the answers.

How serious are you about the business?

If you are just toying with an idea or have not invested much time in research and planning, you may not be ready to think about professional help. If you aren’t committed to your business idea, you will just be wasting everyone’s time and your own money by hiring a consultant at this early stage.

Which is more precious to you: your money or your time?

This sounds like a silly question, but it really isn’t. Many entrepreneurs are unemployed or underemployed, as such they often have lots of time but very little money. In that case, you must be judicious about the level of service you need from a consultant. If you are good at writing a solid business plan  you can simply hire a consultant to guide and advise you but do most of the strategic planning yourself. This is an excellent use of your hard-earned money and will always be a good investment as long as you choose a professional who understands your business.
On the other hand, if you are fully employed, or have significant funds, you may be in the enviable position of having more money than time. In this case, you should consider hiring a consultant to guide you through the business planning process, and maybe even write the entire business plan for you. However, in order to get the most out of the consulting engagement, you need to be involved throughout the process, and understand everything in the plan, from the mission statement even through to the exit strategy if appropriate. Otherwise you’ll just end up with a very expensive chaperone.

Have you ever started a business before?

If not, then you should definitely consider hiring someone to help you develop the concept, research the market and competition  construct realistic financial projections, and help you explore some of the risks involved. Furthermore, any business consultant worth his or her salt will be able to provide some guidance in setting up your company, finding office or retail space, etc. Generally, the consultant will signpost you to trusted experts in each sub-specialty (legal, real estate, accounting, insurance, etc.), or at least steer you in the right direction.

Do you need to obtain financing or other investment capital to start the business?

You generally only get one shot when it comes to investors. If they don’t like what they see the first time, they move on to the next opportunity. A professional consultant can increase your chances of getting funding for your business and increase your likelihood of succeeding once you get funded.

What is the market potential for your business idea, and how much of that market do you want to capture?

If the market is very large (say billions of pounds), and you want to grow the business to a sizeable percentage of this, then the risk of not getting things right from the beginning far outweighs the cost of hiring a consultant to make sure you get it right. This is the one case where it never makes sense to “do it yourself”. The key is to hire someone who really adds value.

If in the end you decide you need some professional help, then you should consider a different set of questions.

What should you look for when you hire a professional consultant?

First, and foremost, make sure they really are professionals. Look for the following:

• Do they have a credible website?
• Do they do this for a living, or is it just a hobby?
• Do they have satisfied clients, and will they refer you to these clients?
• Do they understand your business?
• If the answers to all of these questions are “yes”, then you’re on the right track.

Do you feel comfortable with this person or group?

The most successful arrangement is “collaborative”. You need to have some give and take with the consultant. You should feel comfortable asking questions, and the consultant should be willing to answer your questions. If not, it just won’t work.

Beyond that, you need to trust this person (or group). If you feel they are not being transparent or don’t listen, then walk away.
The same holds in reverse. If you withhold information from the consultant, don’t return phone calls, or focus on the agreed tasks in hand, then you are wasting everybody’s time and your money.

How can you save money and still ensure high quality?

The key is to figure out what you know, and what you are good at. Then have a consultant help fill in the gaps.

For instance, suppose you have a strong background in sales and technology, but have little expertise in finance and marketing. Then you should find a consultant who excels in finance and marketing. Of course they still need to understand the business, but if you can focus on what you do best and have them fill in the gaps, you will save yourself some money and also end up with a much stronger business than if you did everything yourself.

Remember, time as well as money is a high commodity when running your own business, opportunity costs.

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