A structured support programme, specifically designed for SMEs and ‘Start Ups’ to refocus their operational and strategic approach.   

The Refocus Programme is designed to help busy owners take a step back and re-evaluate what the landscape truly looks like, before taking any further risks, by adopting a more holistic ‘helicopter’ view. 

By doing this and truly pressure testing the vision, business owners will then develop a laser guided focus that enables them to gain control, make the right commercial decisions and with a far greater degree of confidence.

The ‘Your Guardian Refocus Programme’ is broken down into seven structured sessions, each accompanied with online learning to support the delivery and enable Start-ups and SMEs to refocus their overall operational approach.

Upon completion of the programme you will have...

If you would like to get started with, or find out more about, the refocus programme, please get in touch we would love to hear from you.

All organisations go through various stages of the business life cycle, known as the Stages Model (a concept originally developed by Shirlaws).

If you’re a “start-up” going through the frantic period of launching a new product or service your feelings can vary significantly. There will be considerable excitement as to future prospects, however this is often mixed with anxiety as to the time, money and effort required to build the business. Soon after launching, you may hit the first “brick wall”.

On the other hand, you maybe a more established SME and been running for a while. You’ve pushed through the first brick wall and experienced the euphoria of good times, only now find yourself dealing with the frustrations and stress of fast growth. You are possibly becoming disillusioned because of a skills shortage and instead, you’ve hit the second metaphoric “brick wall”

In both scenarios it is often the case that focus has been lost. In fact, it is quite likely that you’ve wrapped yourself in the comfort blanket that is working tirelessly hard, however, are you now at risk of simply becoming a busy fool?

If you feel you could do with a sharper focus, we would love to hear from you.

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Refocus Programme

To find out more about the refocus programme and how Your Guardian can support you; please fill in your details below and we will be in touch very soon.