Making Better Business Decisions

Making Better Business Decisions

Making Better Business Decisions The ability to make good business decisions is critical to success. Every business owner has to make tough decisions with uncertain outcomes. That is the nature…
Setting the right VISION

Setting the right VISION company owners and owners of the vision... Owners of the Vision need to be clear on their professional vision for the company/department, whilst safeguarding that, their vision can be…
Emotional Selling Part 2

Emotional Selling Part 2

I have previously spoken about the rules of selling. In ‘Emotional Selling Part 1’ I covered the need for emotional connections to the products and services we offer. Ironically, whilst…
When one door closes…

When one door closes…

When One Door Closes, Another Two Open! “When one door closes, another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we…
Survive or Thrive?

Survive or Thrive?

Survive or Thrive Why do some small businesses fail, others barely survive, and yet others thrive through recessions? Here are a few insights: Take Calculated Risks There is a common…
Product Design Balance

Product Design Balance

The Product Design Balance Product Design and creation is a contentious issue.  In all cases there are three factors that need to be considered within the product design function. These…
Bright Shiny Object Syndrome

Bright Shiny Object Syndrome

Con artists long ago mastered the art of distracting their “marks” with bright shiny objects. Once they get the victim’s attention, they exploit his or her weaknesses to get what…
Emotional Selling Part 1

Emotional Selling Part 1

People buy Emotions.Out and about recently I saw a tremendous example of emotional selling, and it reminded me of the second lesson I ever learnt when starting out on my…